
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I've reached 40 weeks!

Today I reached 40 weeks pregnant! If I was to continue on in the pregnancy (my doctor is extremely thorough) I had to pass the tests that I mentioned in the post below. I was admitted into a hospital room this morning for one part of the test then wheeled (yes I said wheeled ~ apparently they like to give pregnant woman a free ride around the hospital) to an ultrasound room. Her fetal heart rate was great! She appeared to have enormous chubby cheeks. But, my Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) was low. I think I'm leaking? So, the verdict is.... they sent me home to eat lunch and get my things because I have to be induced TODAY! They said I should have one leg up (not literally ~yet anyways) because my body is already in pre-labor. I'm going back to the hospital around 4:00 PM. I'm still wondering if she will be a 2008 or 2009 baby? We are bringing our laptop to the hospital so we will keep everyone updated!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

39 weeks / 6 days update...

So far I'm 2 cm dilated (big whoop) and my cervix is completely softened. I go to the hospital tomorrow to perform a Biophysical Profile (ultra-sound), an Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI), and Fetal Non-Stress Test. This will tell my doctor if I can continue past my due date. If all goes well then I will most likely (?) pass my due date. BUT, I could easily go sooner too. If Kendall is very stubborn then I will be induced. This all seems way more comprehensive then when I had Lauren. Wish me luck!

Monday, December 29, 2008

2 days and waiting...

We are patiently awaiting Kendall's arrival. Will she be a 2008 or 2009 baby?

Saturday, December 27, 2008

My Little Artist

Lauren drew pictures of everyone for their holiday gifts.
Here are the pictures of Mommy and Daddy.

Merry Christmas

Lauren had the best reaction by far this Christmas. She was well rested the night before and was super excited for Santa to leave her presents! I heard her bedroom door crack open and saw her run halfway out to the living room. Then she came running back to our bedroom screaming, "Santa brought me presents!" Lauren rocked out with her new Barbie guitar.
She loved her new dress up set.
Here is Veterinarian Lauren!
And, the presents grew throughout the day!
We had all of our family over to celebrate Christmas, even Bailey had company.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we spent the night making cookies and getting ready for Santa's arrival. We left reindeer food outside.Bailey was patiently waiting for her gifts from Santa too.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Holiday Musical

Lauren was a little elf in her school holiday musical. Mommy was so excited to see her perform! During each class performance there was a crier. As they were getting ready to bring the 3 year old class out to perform I heard a loud, "MOMMY" in the hallway followed by sobbing. Lauren was the crier in her class. As soon as she came out to perform she saw me in the audience and stopped crying. She quietly sang, "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer." After a loud applause her class walked off and then the tears began again! I quickly snuck out to grab her and congratulate her on her performance. We took a snap shot at the entrance of her school and then went out for a yummy breakfast. You can see her watery eyes in the pic.

Monday, December 22, 2008

It's official

If Kendall wasn't born yesterday, then she is officially going to be a Capricorn. Just like Mommy!
Your little Capricorn will have a quiet, meditative nature ruled by reason instead of impulse and may seem older than his or her years at times. These children are thrifty, reserved, diplomatic, deep thinking, and determined. They are cautious in what they do and say. They know what they want and they usually get it by methodically planning every detail ahead of time-they like to take their time with things, learning lessons well along the way.
Capricorn children are receptive to down-to-earth activities. They feel a deep sense of responsibility and love being praised for a job well done. Parents should take time with their Capricorn child to show them the joy of touch and sharing comfort. Though typically practical and serious, the Capricorn often has a well-developed sense of wit and humor and is also known for being reliable.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Hanukkah

Tonight is the first night of Hanukkah. After lighting the candles, I gave Lauren a present 'unwrapped' and she gave it back to me and said, "wrap it Mommy." Whoops, won't make that mistake again.
I SO look ready to burst in this picture!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

2 weeks to go!

With 2 weeks to go, Mommy is thinking, "I can't eat, I can't sleep, but I can do a great imitation of a beached whale. Seriously, are we almost done with this?" Being on the final stretch with a 3 year old at home and being a teacher is quite exhausting. I've been crampy and had some contractions, however they are a complete fake out because they aren't officially dilating my cervix. I guess Kendall is just not ready yet. 2 weeks and waiting...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Meeting With Santa

This year it wasn't so easy to get Lauren to hop onto Santa's lap.
She was so excited to see him but too shy to get close.

A Long Day...

After running a million errands we decided to take Lauren to see the Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights at Disney's Hollywood Studies. Whoa, was it packed with people! Lauren loved when the fake snowflakes began to fall. After the lights, we sporadically decided to go see the parade and fireworks at Magic Kingdom. We were hoping we would start something with all of this walking I was doing. As we retreated home I was definitely exhausted and crampy. But, no luck. We just had a great time together anyways.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Decorating the House

Our little helper decorated our tree with us along with all the other Christmukkah decorations we placed around the house. We are even having our very own Christmukkah celebration on Christmas night since the holidays overlap this year. We have a fantastic spread of multicultural foods we are sharing, from latkes to coquito...yum!

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Happy Birthday to Daddy!

Daddy had lots of fun on his big day - from golfing by day to dinner at night.
One of Daddy's presents from Lauren was a book called, "I Love My Daddy Because..." The day that we went shopping for his gift I had coached her to keep the present a secret. As soon as we got home she ran to Gabe and said, "I got you a present and it's a secret!" Guess it's going to be hard present shopping with her this year!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Red Bug Baby Shower

My amazing 2nd grade team hosted a baby shower for me at work. I get quite embarrassed at personal attention, but this was well worth it. I am so appreciative for my Red Bug family!

What a Procrastinator!

Kendall is a bit of a procrastinator because she just now flipped head down! My doctor did an examination last Tuesday and she is officially head down ready to go. Then he proceeded to say, "if anything happens this weekend..."
UH....? I still want some time!
So, congrats to Kendall for being stubborn and a procrastinator. We love you anyways and can't wait for your arrival.

The Dresser Incident...

Good-bye my beautiful dresser. Good-bye to the memories that you created for us. Good-bye because...........Mommy will never ever see you again! Ok, I can start to laugh about it now with just a few tears. But the other day I was balling over the loss of Lauren's first dresser. So here's the scoop, I was nesting (getting reorganized before the baby) I took it to EXTREME and decided that I wanted to change Lauren's room. So I went to IKEA bought a new dresser, posted Lauren's dresser on craigslist, and sold it within 24 hours. My wonderful husband put together the new dresser while I fell asleep. I woke up and started sobbing for the loss of her old dresser. Needless to say I didn't like the replacement dresser that my wonderful husband spent so much time putting together. I was a wreck. Some pregnant women do the cardinal regret of cutting their hair off when they are pregnant. I SOLD my daughter's dresser. No more nesting for me! Or selling my belongings at least.

Good-bye dresser! I know I will laugh about this later in life.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!

We are all Thankful for so many things.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Preparing for Thanksgiving

While Mommy and Daddy prepared dessert for Thanksgiving, Lauren prepared her own cupcakes. She was very happy to be a chef in the kitchen with us. Mommy was extremely proud of her homemade Apple Cranberry Streusel Pie! Mommy doesn't bake very often (or much at all) but this recipe is a keeper.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I Love Dave Matthews!

and apparently.......Lauren does too!

Mommy and Daddy were watching a Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds concert on HD net and Lauren was dancing all over the place! She has an ear for good music.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thanksgiving School Lunch

Every year Lauren's school hosts a Thanksgiving lunch-in with the parents.
Daddy was able to join her for the feast.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy Birthday to you!

Oh, my how she's grown! 3rd Birthday

2nd Birthday

1st Birthday

Just Born

Birthday Dinner

For Lauren's real birthday Mommy and Daddy took her to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner.Mommy was thinking of trying the horse ride to get the baby to turn, but see the last rule below. :-(

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Another Super Soap Weekend

OK, everyone knows Mommy loves her ABC soaps. Disney Hollywood Studios had their last (do you hear me sobbing), yes last Super Soap Weekend this Sunday. Lauren loves Disney so what better weekend to take her....on her birthday weekend. It was freezing outside! But well worth the trip.
Birthday Princess

One Life To Live Soap Stars

All My Children Soap Stars

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lauren's 3rd Birthday Party

Lauren had a spectacular birthday party at the park!
Thank you to all who came out to celebrate.
It ended up being a humid day, but no rain. Of course, the next day was freezing! What luck.Mommy had to help get the candy out of the pinata because Daddy overstuffed the butterfly. When we pulled her cake from the box, she just couldn't wait to get her fingers into it.
SO she did!
Yummy Cake!
Lauren was so exhausted after her party! Until next year...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Lauren had allergy testing today. They drew two bottles of blood................ouch!

WIll she ever turn?

Transverse seems to be Kendall's position of choice. I was hoping for different news at my 33week OB appointment. So here's the plan...positioning check at 35 weeks, if she's still transverse, then an ultrasound at 36 weeks to confirm and check reasons for not turning. If by then the ultrasound confirms her transverse position STILL, then I can opt for a External Cephalic Version (ECV). External version is generally done around 37 weeks. This procedure is performed in a hospital with fetal monitoring, ultrasound, and IV medications to relax the uterus and turn the baby. The risk factor is preterm labor and emergency c-section. OR I play the waiting game??? If Kendall doesn't turn on her own then I'm going to be up for a c-section anyways.
SO, wish me luck! In the meantime, I'm researching at home ways to get her to turn!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Baby Shower

What a wonderful day. I was thrown a baby shower at Buca di Beppo. I was surrounded by great family, friends and yummy food! Thank you to everyone who came.
Baby Kendall already feels so much love!

Thanks to Renee for being my main photographer. Of course, that's why you don't see her posing in the pictures!