
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Bathtime Fun

Kendall is enjoying sitting up in her bath, splashing the water!
Wonder which big sister taught her that. ;-)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Getting Chunky!

Regardless of what the scale says, Kenddywendy is getting some chunk!

Yoga Master

I think she holds poses better than I!


Lauren enjoys reading two stories each night before bed. Sometimes she tries to negotiate for 3 stories because... "she's 3 ya know!" ;-/
Lauren loves her new matching jammies with her doll! Thanks AJ.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mother's Day

We celebrated Mother's Day at the Columbia Resturant in Celebration, FL with both of our families. Not my favorite pic, but this was taken after lunch. It was scorching outside which made us all very exhausted and ready to take a dip in the pool! MY GIRLS! I am now a Mother times 2. I am the luckiest person on earth to wake up to their smiling faces each day. You never really understand how much additional love you can have for another child until your family grows. It's the most amazing feeling that could ever exist. Whether I deal with tears, screams, hugs, or kisses...I want to savor each and every minute! I love them will all of my heart!

Lauren and Abuela

3 Generations of Sisters
(Kendall and Lauren, Me and Renee, My Mom and Aunt Jan)

Loving the attention, Kendall?

Kendall and her Auntie's

Kendall's First Swim

On Mother's Day Weekend we took Kendall into the pool for the very first time! Lauren was thrilled to see Kendall in the water. Lauren is truly a big sister! As we were taking this picture of K in her float, Lauren started disciplining us because she thought we were going to let her float go and Kendall would have been by herself. But I did have a handle on the float so Lauren was reassured. Love this pic!

Kendallishous was kicking her feet in the water!

My beautiful swimming princess.

Working on her tan for summer.

Nap time anyone?

Family Gathering

Two weekends ago, Kendall got to meet her Uncles!I think the flash startled her a bit.Much better! The girls with their 6 week old baby cousin, Rowan.
Uncle Paul (from South FL) with the girls. Kendall wasn't cooperating in the pic!

Uncle Mark (who is currently residing in China, teaching English abroad) with the girls.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

The Rice Cereal Game

Kendall showed mixed emotions while trying rice cereal for the first time. I felt like we were playing a never ending game. Spoonful goes in the mouth, Kendall spits out, spoon goes in, K spits out....and over again. She couldn't decide if she liked it!?!?! She likes it...

She doesn't like it... Oh, yes it looks like she is giving us the finger!

She likes it...
She doesn't like it... I want more?

Gimme... At one point she tried to grab the spoon from me.

Big sis cheering her on!

Friday, May 01, 2009

Kendall turns 4 months old!

Kendall now weights 10 lbs, 10 oz and 23 3/4 in long. Still small in the weight percentiles but remains a good eater. She is now gobbling about 5oz in her bottle! The girl is petite with an excellent metabolism. Kendall was a trooper at her doctor's visit. She loves to show off to her doctor. As he was checking her vision she decided to try to grasp at the tool shining light into her eye. She also decided to show him how she can roll over whenever she off! Kendall was also there to receive 4 SHOTS! The nurse started off consoling her because she knew how much pain they would cause her. Kendall just giggled at the nurse and showed her beautiful grin. After shot one, Kendall just gave the nurse a stare, no cries. The nurse said, "Oh, Mommy...the first one goes easy here we go to shot number two..." Again, Kendall just gave the nurse a stare and now with a frown that turned to smile, but still no cry. The nurse kept saying, "Oh, Mommy here it comes, it will be ok" but Kendall appeared fine to me! Then shot number three. Another stare, frown, and a bit of a whine but then back to smile. On the last shot the nurse proclaimed, "This is the doozy, babies hate the last one" and..... AGAIN another stare, frown, and louder whine but NO cry! The nurse turned to me and said, "Oh my!! You have such a strong baby with a high tolerance for pain!" She just couldn't believe (along with me) that she was so good for her shots! Kendall may need to teach Lauren a thing or two about how to handle getting shots.