
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!


This was actually Lauren's 3rd Thanksgiving. She tried all the good stuff from Turkey to Stuffing and of course...Pumpkin Pie!

After dinner while the adults were checking out all of the shopping ads, Lauren played dress up. Look out Minnie Mouse!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Happy 2nd Birthday To Lauren!

It was a beautiful morning at the park for
Lauren's 'Pixie Magic' Birthday Celebration! Lauren loves to play at the park!
Pinata Time! Lauren was really hesitant with the pinata.
Mommy had to help her pull the strings.

Grab the candy, quick!

Cake Time!
Lauren was very embarassed that we all sang to her. Just look at that face!

Time for some presents!
We ate lunch with her best friend.

Lauren took at LONG nap after the party!
Then we headed off to the Magic Kingdom to end our birthday evening.

Yes, that is Lauren under that Goofy hat!
Cinderella's castle was so beautiful with the lights. We ended our evening with the parade and fireworks. Lauren saw tinkerbell fly down from the castle for the first time!

Happy Birthday Princess!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Super Soap Weekend ~ MGM

"Mommy, who are these people in the parade?" Mommy saw some of her soap stars! Whoo Hoo.
Susan Lucci

All My Children Stars

Lauren got to meet her super stars......The Little Einsteins!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Happy Halloween

We took Lauren to Cranes Roost again. It was a beautiful night. No rain, no heat! At first Lauren wasn't sure what to do. She caught on quick! Once she realized by saying three simple words you get your basket filled, she was ready to go. She whispered 'trick or treat' to the stands around the park and her bucket filled up in no time. Lauren loved seeing all of the costumes, with the exception of the ugly ones. Who can blame her? Ghosts and Goblins are just not her thing! She did meet a new friend on Halloween. It was another Tinkerbell! This little girl was five years old and before we knew it she found a best friend to hang with. The little girl's mommy was very nice. The two 'new' friends joined hands as they finished filling their buckets.

Lauren's new 'trick or treat' friend.Yikes! Watch out for the scary guy, Mommy! Lauren at her school.